Fully compostable material made from renewable raw materials with properties similar to traditional plastics. It does not contain synthetic polymers and its properties are modifiable.
NonOilen® biopolymer from PANARA meets the highest criteria for bioplastics.
Bioplastics are materials made from renewable raw materials. Ideally, they should not contain any petroleum-based polymers. At the same time, they can decompose in the biologically active environment of a domestic or industrial compost.
No, products made of this material will only decompose in a biologically active environment (compost or soil) where they have the right conditions to do so.
Bioplastics can have the same properties as conventional plastics and several of them offer additional benefits in terms of ecology. These are a lower carbon footprint and no microplastics when they break down. Some bioplastics, including NonOilen®, offer additional functional properties such as compostability, increased heat resistance or greater rigidity.