
Frequently Asked Questions

Read answers to questions about bioplastics, compostability or biodegradation.

What is bioplastic?

The term bioplastics refers to three types of plastics:

  1. Bioplastics made from fossil raw materials, which are biodegradable – they can be composted, but their decomposition produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming
  2. Bioplastics made from renewable raw materials that are non-degradable – they are a waste management problem and it is not possible to return even a small part of them to the soil from which is the source of the raw materials for their production
  3. Bioplastics made from renewable raw materials that are biodegradable – as they contain polymers based on natural substances, no carbon dioxide is produced when they break down. In addition, what we have taken out of the soil in the form of raw materials during their production is returned to the soil in the form of compost.

Only the third group represents a truly environmentally friendly alternative to conventional plastics. This is where our NonOilen® products belong.

What does compostability mean?

Compostability is the property of a product that allows it to biodegrade under certain conditions. For example: a NonOilen® product will decompose under industrial compost conditions, i.e. at a temperature of 50 degrees or more, as well as under home compost conditions of 20 to 30 degrees. The conditions depend on the type of material.

What does biobased mean?

Biobased means that the material or product has been derived from biomass, and has therefore been produced from renewable sources and not from petroleum.

What is the difference between biodegradation and compostability?

Biodegradation (biological decomposition) is the process by which material is metabolized into CO2, water and biomass with the help of microorganisms. This process depends on the conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity, presence of micro-organisms) of the specific environment (e.g. industrial composting plant or soil) and on the material itself.

Compostability is the property of a product that allows it to biodegrade under certain conditions (e.g. at a certain temperature, within a certain time frame). In order to be recovered through composting, a material or product must be biodegradable.

What is needed to start biodegradation in compost?

Heat, moisture, oxygen and micro-organisms create the right conditions. At the same time, shredding the material into small pieces can accelerate the decomposition process.

Why are bioplastics more expensive than conventional plastics?

The higher research and development costs of bioplastics also affect the prices of the materials and products made from them. At the same time, relatively low oil prices make it difficult for bioplastics to achieve a competitive price level compared to conventional plastics. However, prices for bioplastics have steadily declined over the last decade.

Moreover, this trend is expected to continue as production capacity increases, supply chains expand, volumes of bioplastics on the market increase, and an increasing number of companies switch to bioplastics. With growing demand and more efficient production processes, the cost of bioplastics will soon be comparable to conventional plastics.

Won't bioplastic products disintegrate if left on the table for too long?

No, a product made from this material will only decompose in a biologically active environment where it has the right conditions to do so.

Are all bioplastics and bioplastic products biodegradable?

No. Bioplastics are a large group of materials and this includes bioplastics that, although made from renewable raw materials, are non-degradable. If you want your product to decompose at the end of its life cycle, choose a bioplastic made from renewable raw materials that is biodegradable.

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We are a company dedicated to the production of bioplastic products and a partner that shares your vision of a greener future.
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